On 11 October 2019, the project forwarded its Forest Landscape Restoration 349 model (see our article on FLR349 fund) in Mae Khi Muk village with around 100 people planting different types of trees such as perennials, cacao and banana. Representatives volunteering to plant the trees came from different sectors, including the Royal Forest Department, local administration offices, financial institutions, academics, organic agriculture networks, the private sector, and smallholders.
The project wants to halt chemical-intensive maize farming in monoculture, stop field burning, restore watershed areas and encourage agroecological practices – all this to mitigate climate change and to improve food security and quality of life for smallholders. The project trains the farmers on how to grow perennial trees, fruit trees, vegetables and herbs in a mixed agroforestry system that is sustainable and replenishes the soil. If done properly these plantations can function as carbon sinks and water reservoirs, enabling the production of diverse and safe food. The project also strives to develop sustainable food chains and traceability measures.
Activities at that day – in addition to the plating of the trees – included progress reporting, setting of joint objectives and goals, and talks on organic agriculture and forest landscape restoration.
More information about the FLR349 Fund.