Providing sound consumer information is a key pillar when it comes to advocating sustainable consumption and production (SCP) patterns. One of our goals is thus to develop country-specific campaigns for consumer information and activation. In Paraguay, the SCP team is running the Planeta-T campaign that aims to raise awareness among the population about responsible consumption habits, which in turn are linked to sustainable production.

© WWF-Paraguay
With the message “Improve your digestion and that of the planet”, the campaign aims to raise citizens’ awareness of the close relationship between dietary choices and the impact of their daily decisions on the health of the planet and people. Key activities of the campaign consist of an educational website, which can be accessed at the following link, and activities at supermarkets with the distribution of free tea samples. The supermarket chains participating in the campaign are: Casa Rica, Los Jardines, Real, Casa Grütter and Salemma.

Planeta-T is a line of four tea blends, each packaged to display a certain message to raise awareness on responsible consumption and production patterns. The messages are designed to nudge people and to help them make informed consumption choices, establishing the link to their diets’ ecological footprint and how to reduce it.
The different designs include:
- the blue blend, which addresses plastic waste;
- the orange blend, which targets consumption of local fruits and vegetables;
- the yellow blend, which raises awareness about sustainable meat consumption;
- the green blend, which addresses packaging and recycling.
Our team in Paraguay created a series of short videos on each of the blends with interviews related to the topic addressed. Since the project start in Paraguay, the team has work with the Association of Organic Producers (APRO) that is selling organic produce at local markets under the brand EcoAgro. With Genaro Ferreira, coordinator of EcoAgro, an interview on organic agriculture and short supply chains is featured in one of the videos.
© WWF-Paraguay
The Planeta-T website also contains an interactive game for consumers on the topics of the different blends.
By buying regional and seasonal products, we can all contribute to increasing sustainable consumption patterns across the globe.
According to studies, demand for sustainable goods and services is high and continues to grow, but consumers are often unable to make informed choices or simply do not act in accordance with their intentions. The main reasons for this include a lack of transparency, incomplete or unreliable information, and the proliferation of labels and standards that make it difficult to compare information. The importance of providing reliable information is recognized in Target 12.8 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): “By 2030, ensure that people everywhere have relevant information and develop an awareness of sustainable development and lifestyles in harmony with nature.”
We are linked to the One Planet Network Consumer Information Programme and strive to work towards achievement of the SDGs with locally adapted campaigns and activities in the different countries of implementation.
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