With agriculture being one of the sectors with the highest contribution to Paraguay’s Gross Domestic Product, Future Food Together seeked to establish climate and environmentally friendly production systems to build sustainable supply chains for local farmer families in Paraguay.
Our work in Paraguay ended in 2023
Find out what we achieved below.
Our Work
In Paraguay, we started work in 2020 with a focus on:
- Strengthening short supply chains by connecting small farmers with the sales markets in nearby cities. By having shorter supply chains, we can directly market to and communicate with consumers to explain why products are worth their costs.
- Partnering with the private sector through collaborations with retailers, to allow farmers to access new markets, establishing “sustainable shelves” in supermarkets.
- Raising awareness amongst consumers on the complex aspects of sustainability that their consumption behavior entails.
© WWF Paraguay
Our Results
Smallholder engagement and business collaboration
Future Food Together partnered with Eco Agro and APRO, the main organisations that work on agroecological production, as well as farmers’ associations. In cooperation with APRO, a consultant explored the obstacles that smallholder farmers face in accessing markets. Through workshops and face-to-face interviews, possible solutions to challenges faced have been identified, such as the continued strengthening of platforms, the promotion of associations, and access to secure financing. We have also strengthened and broadened agro-ecological and organic farming practices.
Future Food Together supports alternative certification schemes such as Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS) by working with regional non-governmental organizations. PGS place a high emphasis on incorporating all stakeholders in the establishment of standards and control mechanisms.
Through the nonprofit Paraguay Organico, assistance was offered to 27 farmers, who were then given trainings, marketing possibilities, and encouraged to use the PGS strategy in three districts. Various workshops, including one on the preservation of regional medicinal plants, were held. Producer families place a high value on seeds and their preservation, necessitating effective postharvest management, storage, and conservation techniques. Certificates were distributed to participating farmers in May.
Additionally, we collaborated with supermarkets such as Los Jardines to support farmers to access new market channels and “sustainable shelves” installed in Paraguayan supermarkets.
Our Future Food Together Team supported the private sector to transition towards more sustainable practices and has developed a sustainable consumption guide.
© WWF Paraguay
Consumer Outreach
Consumer awareness-raising activities and communication techniques were used in the project areas major cities. To amplify information through their audiences and foster engagement, direct marketing was conducted to 60 influencers prior to the launch of the PLANETA-T campaign. Also, the campaign was covered by two television networks, numerous radio stations, and newspapers, and interactive activities such as the distribution of thousands of PLANETA-T tea boxes and informative online trivia questionnaires were carried out in partner supermarkets. In order to expand the audience, many communication channels (including the press, media, social media, and print media) were used.
In order to spread knowledge about sustainable production and consumption, including agri-food products and the use of eco-labels, the project undertook a national communication campaign on SCP with the Ministry of Consumer and User Defense (SEDECO). Moreover, SEDECO received support for its efforts to restructure the national inter-institutional SCP roundtable.
© WWF Paraguay
Future Food Together Paraguay Youtube Channel
Our team in Paraguay has produced many videos on a variety activities done over the past years, for example on a workshop on composting, their presence at eco-fairs and sustainable sourcing. You can fine all videos here.
Project News

Launching Paraguay’s First Certified Organic Red Bean
Future Food Together organized the launch event for the first certified organic agroecological product. This is a significant milestone for the team’s commitment to promoting healthier and environmentally friendly food choices.

Driving Change in the Retail Sector: The Role of Collaboration
© WWF-Paraguay At Future Food Together, we believe that collaboration is key to bringing about transformative change in our food systems. Our teams in South America held an exchange workshop in Paraguay to discuss their work with retailers: to learn from each others...

Promoting Recycling Systems in Paraguay
Future Food Together is promoting more sustainable recycling systems in Paraguay. Jointly with the WWF Volunteer Network, the team organized a campaign to collect glass containers that were then distributed to producers marketing their products at organic fairs. A workshop on organic composting took place as well, and a composting facility was installed. Our team is working with producers in the province Yaguaron since 2020.