Our SCP project has developed a series of environmental manuals focused on integrating general environmental topics and the effects of our food systems and dining habits on the planet into existing elementary and highschool curricula. Now these manuals are being pilot tested. © Lorayne Roque / WWF-Philippines.
Part of our project activities are efforts on raising general awareness in the population for the importance of sustainable consumption and production (SCP). In this context it is essential to start at an early age: giving information to and raising awareness among students is a promising approach to really change thinking and understanding of food systems and consumption choices. That is why the project is now developing education materials to be used in elementary and high schools by teachers, and to be integrated into school curricula.
After the first version of respective environmental manuals were developed, they are now been pilot tested in selected schools. The feedback and lessons learnt from this testing will be integrated into a final version of the manuals.
© Lorayne Roque / WWF-Philippines