Conscious consumers are increasingly concerned about living a more sustainable lifestyle. A “new thoughtfulness” and a change in attitude have been emerging over the past years all around the globe.
As consumers, all of us have a huge impact in terms of what products we choose. Which is why it is essential that consumers understand the principles of eco-friendly, sustainable consumption.
On the occasion of National Consumer Day on April 20 and Earth Day on April 22, WWF Indonesia held the “Beli Yang Baik (Buy The Good) Sustainable Consumption and Production Expo”. With the support of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) and the City of Kuningan, the event was held on a hybrid basis, meaning that visitors could either participate in the activities virtually via or on-site at the venue in the Kuningan City Mall.
Our team in Indonesia organized the "Beli Yang Baik" Sustainable Consumption and Production Exhibition showcasing outstanding initiatives, success stories, ideas, and innovations on SCP to the public.
© WWF Indonesia
The Expo included various activities such as exhibitions, multi-stakeholder dialogues, talk shows, workshops, activities for children, games and entertainment such as music performance. The purpose was to invite business actors and producers in Indonesia to present their initiatives related to sustainable consumption and production to the broad public. The ideas presented had to reflect the principles and practices of sustainable consumption and production of the products produced.

© WWF Indonesia
There were a total of 95 exhibiting tenants in the virtual booths covering sectors from food and beverage, clothing and accessories, no-waste beauty care products, and innovative start-ups and businesses. At the on-site exhibition, held at Kuningan City Mall, 18 initiatives showcased their ideas and offered information for consumers.
95 participating initiatives presented their ideas and work, along with 18 companies that were present with booths such as SuperIndo.
During the event, WWF Indonesia launched its new website. Key elements of the “Buy what’s Good” campaign are six messages:
Buy What You Need
Buy Local
Buy Natural
Choose Sustainable Products
Choose Ecolabels
Dispose Properly
Various campaign materials have been developed, such as Flash Cards, campaign materials, and communication guides. One unique feature is the Beli Yang Baik outlet where tenants who participated in the Expo share plenty of information.
Consumers and the state, together with companies, bear a shared responsibility for ensuring that global sustainability goals such as the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations are reached. For this reason, Future Food Together pursues a strategy in all these domains. You can find out more here.